The Benefits of Going Nano

Did you know that nano-influencers tend to have the strongest audience engagement?

According to Hype Auditor's State of Influencer Marketing Report, their average engagement rate is about 6%, almost double that of other groups.

What is a nano-influencer?

These small, nimble content creators have up to 10,000 followers and make up most of the influencer population. While big influencers do tend to make the most, you may want to consider nano-influencers if you are seeking a more targeted approach.

It's no secret that the influencer market is rife with fake accounts and inflated metrics. Below are a few things you may want to consider to see if nano-influencers are a good fit for your objectives.

Are nano-influencers right for your business?

Consider engaging a nano-influencer if:

  • You're interested in nurturing long-term relationships with your customers. Rather than a one-off transaction, you'd like to receive positive interactions that get friends and neighbors talking (and buying).
  • Authenticity is a cornerstone of your brand. The first few years of getting your business off the ground are critical. Perhaps you're testing new product and want to know if your offering is truly unique and relevant to your target market. With deep connections with their audiences, nano-influencers can tell you right away if you've truly hit a nerve with consumers or need some refining.
  • Your audience is younger. Despite privacy concerns, Tiktok, Discord, and other emergent social platforms are not going away. An experienced nano-influencer can help you build rapport with those elusive tweens, teens, and young adults.

What's next for nano influencing?

The sky's the limit on what nano influencers can bring businesses large and small.

While there are no particular benchmarks for the ROI you can expect to receive, here are a few things to keep in mind to make the most of your next nano campaign:

  • They have industry expertise. Ask yourself if their voice and image align with your brand. Don't just go for the first one you meet - whenever you're in doubt, sleep on it and make a decision tomorrow.
  • Their reviews reveal all. You've hit a gold mine if you see personalized testimonials from real people. Or you may want to do some digging if the engagement seems vague or generic.

We hope you found this article helpful in weighing the pros and cons of engaging with a nano-influencer. For more advice on your next campaign, please don't hesitate to reach out directly.